Doctoral Program

Doctoral Program

Ph.D. Checklist


Fall (1st semester)

  • Choose Guidance Committee- file departmental form A. See notes below for committee details.
  • Complete Qualifying Exam- file departmental form report on qualifying exam
  • Complete and file Provisional Study Program - file departmental form C.
  • Complete two internships & internship course (610A, B, C) - file departmental form L (2).  At least 2 of your 3 internships must be completed with EEB faculty.
  • Complete ECOL 600B (Fundamentals of Ecology, 3 units)
  • Complete Responsible Conduct of Research form - online GradPath form in UAccess Student Center.
  • Submit transfer credit evaluation form (no later than 2nd semester) - online GradPath form in UAccess Student Center.

Spring (2nd semester)

  • Complete internship and internship course (610A, C) - file departmental form L.
  • Complete ECOL 600A (Fundamentals of Evolution, 3 units).


Fall (3rd semester)

Spring (4th semester)

  • Submit Comp Exam Committee Appointment Form (upon departmental approval of your doctoral committee) - online GradPath Form in UAccess Student Center.

Annually, beginning in your second year

  • Present a seminar in the departmental noon seminar (ECOL 596B)- file departmental form K each time.
  • Meet with Dissertation Committee to review research progress and get advice on research directions- file departmental form J each time.


Fall (5th semester)

  • Submit Announcement of Doctoral Comprehensive Exam (at least one week in advance) - online GradPath Form in UAccess Student Center.
  • Complete written and oral portion of Comprehensive Exam - your advisor will report the results using online GradPath form Result of Comprehensive Exam.
  • Submit an electronic copy of your approved proposal to the EEB Graduate Coordinator.
  • Submit Doctoral Dissertation Appointment form - online GradPath Form in UAccess Student Center.


By the end of your 10th semester

  • Submit Announcement of Final Oral Defense form - online GradPath Form in UAccess Student Center.
  • Complete and defend dissertation - your advisor will report the results using online GradPath form Result of Final Oral Defense form.
  • Submit your dissertation to the Graduate College through UMI Electronic Submission Site.  Please see Graduate College's Submission Process.


  • Complete 4 semesters of noon seminar, ECOL 596B (Population Biology, 1 unit each semester).
  • Complete at least two semester as a half-time (0.5 FTE) Graduate Teaching Assistant.


  • Guidance Committee:  Three member committee composed of your temporary advisor and at least one additional EEB faculty member (including joint faculty).  This committee should be established in your first month.  If you wish to have non-university faculty on this committee you must contact the EEB grad coordinator. See the Grad Handbook for additional details.

Check sheet for PhD