Richard Michod

Office Location: BSW 410
Lab Location: BSW 413
Positions and Education:
- Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona, 1987 - present.
- Associate Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona, 1982 - 1987.
- Assistant Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona, 1978-1982.
- Ph.D., Genetics, Zoology, University of Georgia, 1978
- M.A., Mathematics, University of Georgia, 1978.
- B.S., Zoology, Duke University, 1973
Research Interests:
The Michod Lab is studying the evolution of multicellularity and sex in the volvocine green algae as examples of evolutionary transitions in individuality. How groups of individuals become new kinds of individuals is the basic question that motivates us. Understanding evolutionary transitions in individuality is key to understanding one of the most familiar features of the living world, its hierarchical organization. We use methods from theoretical population biology, molecular biology, genomics, ecology, and philosophy.
Selected Publications:
- Solari, C.A., J. O. Kessler, and R. E. Michod. 2006. A hydrodynamics approach to the evolution of multicellularity: Flagellar motility and cell differentiation in volvocalean green algae. American Naturalist. 167:537-554. (PDF). Receipient of the President's Award Paper of the Year in American Naturalist for 2006.
- Solari, C. A., S. Ganguly, J. O. Kessler, R. E. Michod, and R. E. Goldstein. 2006. Multicellularity and the functional interdependence of motility and molecular transport. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 103:1353-1358. (PDF)
- Michod, R.E. 2006. The group covariance effect and fitness trade-offs during evolutionary transitions. PNAS, USA. 103:9113-9117.(PDF)
- Nedelcu A.M., Michod R.E. 2006. The evolutionary origin of an altruistic gene in Volvox carteri. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 8:1460-1464. (PDF)
- Michod R.E., Herron M.D. 2006. Cooperation and conflict during evolutionary transitions in individuality. Journal of Evolutionary Biology.19:1406-1409. (PDF)
- Michod, R.E. 2007. Evolution of individuality during the transition from unicellular to multicellular life. PNAS, USA. 104: 8613-8618. (PDF)
- Michod, R.E. 2007. Evolution of individuality during the transition from unicellular to multicellular life. In: In the light of evolution: Volume 1. Adaptation and complex design, edited by J. C. Avise and F. J. Ayala, Washington, D.C.:The National Academies Press, p. 129-144.
- Michod, R.E. H. Bernstein, and A. M. Nedelcu. 2008. Adaptive value of sex in microbial pathogens. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 8:267–285. (PDF)
- Herron, M.D. and R. E. Michod. 2008. Evolution of complexity in the volvocine algae: transitions in individuality through Darwin's eye. Evolution. 62-2: 436–451. (PDF)
- Soari, C. A., Michod, R. E. and R. E. Goldstein. 2008. Volvox barberi, the fastest swimmer of the volvocales (chlorophyceae). J. Phycol. 44, 1395–1398. (PDF)
- Michod R.E. 2009. Social evolution and sex: Cooperation and conflict from molecules to societies. In Aux origines du sexe. Edited by A. Civard-Racinais and P. H. Gouyon. Paris:Fayard. In press.
- Michod, R.E. 2009. Sex and multicellularity as evolutionary transitions in individuality. In: Major Transitions in Evolution Revisited, edited by K. Sterelny and B. Calcott, Altenberg, Austria:Konrad Lorenz Institute.
- Shelton,D.E. and R.E. Michod. 2009. Philosophical foundations for the hierarchy of life (Book review of Evolution and the Levels of Selection by Samir Okasha). Biology and Philosophy, In press.
- Herron, M.D., J.D. Hackett, F.O. Aylward and R.E. Michod. 2009. Triassic origin and early radiation of multicellular volvocine algae. PNAS, USA. Early Edition. (PDF)
- Michod, R.E. 2009. Sex and multicellularity as evolutionary transitions in individuality. In: Major Transitions in Evolution Revisited, edited by K. Sterelny and B. Calcott, Altenberg, Austria:Konrad Lorenz Institute.
- Michod R.E. 2009. Socialite et sexe : Coopération et conflit : des molécules aux sociétés. In Aux origines du sexe. Edited by A. Civard-Racinais and P. H. Gouyon. Paris:Fayard. In press.
- Shelton, D. E. and R. E. Michod. (In press). Philosophical foundations for the hierarchy of life (Book review of Evolution and the Levels of Selection by Samir Okasha). Biology and Philosophy.
- Solari C.A., Ganguly S., Kessler J.O., Michod R.E., and Goldstein R.E. Phenotypic plasticity of flagellar motility in Volvox due to changes in nutrient concentration. (submitted).
- Proceedings of the Royal Society B, submitted. Herron, M. D., A. G. Desnitskiy, and R. E. Michod. (submitted). Evolution of developmental programs in Volvox (Chlorophyta).J. Phycol.
- Michod, R.E. 2010. Sociality and sex: Cooperation and conflict from molecules to societies. In. Michod, R.E. and M.D. Herron (eds). CoS Evolution lectures.
- Michod, R.E. and M.D. Herron. 2010. (eds) CoS Evolution lectures.